Celebrating St. Valentine Giveaway Hop (#CelebratingValentine) Feb. 11-18
/Welcome to the Celebrating Saint Valentine Giveaway Hop!
The Valentine's Day moment I'd like to share is from February 14, 2005:
It was the first Valentine's Day I shared with my then boyfriend (now husband). He was still paying his way through college and didn't have much money set aside. He was so broke he claimed he wouldn't go to his graduation on principle, but I had a sneaking suspicion the decision had a lot more to do with the $75 robe. He still insisted on a Valentine's Day dinner at this little Indian restaurant on Newbury Street (which, incidentally, was $75).
It was one of those days when everything went right--candle light, three course meal, followed by a delicious mango creme brûlée. It was a blistering Boston night, but it gave us an excuse to cuddle on our walk back. Our university had a curfew, so we knew we wouldn't be able to get into each other's buildings. It made the day all the more special.
I'm a first-time participant, and I have one $10 Amazon.com gift card on offer. For more goodies, click on the Celebrating Saint Valentine button above to reach the full list of participants.
Wordpress won't let me embed Rafflecopter, which means you'll need to go to my facebook page (here) to enter the raffle. Before you do, you should probably get the mandatory entry over with first.
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What should I base Book 3 in the Undead Fairy Tales series on? (Note: Book 1 is based on Rapunzel and Book 2, which I'm currently writing, is based on Little Red Riding Hood. The series is set in a post-apocalyptic zombie world).
I'll get out of the way now and let you go over to my facebook page to submit your entry. Best of Luck!