#NewRelease and #Interview - Seoul Spankings by Anastasia Vitsky (@AnastasiaVitsky ), a @DecadentPub #BDSM #Lesbian #Romance

One of my favorite wooden spoon wielders has a new release today. Anastasia Vitsky's FF BDSM romance is part of Decadent Publishing's 1Night Stand series, and it's actually set in Korea. I'm so eager to learn more, I'm having trouble writing a proper intro.

Without further ado, let's pump Ana for some details!  

Q&A with Anastasia Vitsky

Hi MistressA.... I mean, Ana. What’s your book about?

Seoul Spankings is about an Iowa farmgirl who overcomes heartbreak about her cheating boyfriend and finds new life and love in South Korea.

Where did you get the idea for this book?

I wrote Desire in Any Language several years ago about a girl who studies abroad in Korea, and the response was overwhelming. When I received the invitation to write for the 1Night Stand series, I wanted to return to Korea and pair a Korean woman with a naïve girl from Iowa.

What traits and other tidbits do you share with your main character?

Indigo is not much like me because I love to travel the world, learn new languages, and try new cuisines. However, I share her trusting nature and desire for everyone to get along. Plus, I think spanking is sexy and terrific.

Did any of your inspiration for this book originate in your real life experiences?

I spent some time in South Korea and fell in love with the country and people there. Writing books that take place there reminds me of some of the happiest years of my life. I am jealous of Indi’s good fortune and wish I could find a Hyunkyung of my own!

Does your book take place in a specific region that would make people take an interest?

South Korea is a vibrant, thriving country with five thousand years of history and culture. It boasts some of the most generous hospitality in the world, and its food offers rich delights including its famous kimchi (spicy fermented cabbage).

Could an American girl survive and thrive in South Korea?

It depends on the girl. Indi makes a terrible first impression by dressing inappropriately, expecting everyone to speak English, and assuming that US standards are universal. However, Hyunkyung is more than happy to teach her otherwise—often with a good spanking!

Could two women have a public relationship in Korea?

It’s a good question, but should we give homophobia more credence than it deserves? I dream of a world in which women’s love for each other is accepted as natural and beautiful. By writing a story in which sexuality is incidental and instead we focus on the growing love between the two main characters, I hope I can help make this dream come true. Won’t you join me?

Do you have other project in the works? If so, what are they?

I have more projects than time to finish them! I recently finished a short story, “Anchored,” that tells of a sixty-one-year-old retired librarian who moves to Florida and falls in love with the president of her homeowners’ association. It’s one of the first stories to show lesbian love at an older age, and beta readers have been thrilled to see themselves represented in romance.

I’m also working on sequels to Taliasman, Mistress on Her Knees, and a special project for Pride in June. Also, I have most of the sequel to Seoul Spankings planned out. There will be a few other projects for the summer and fall, including my first half-fairy, half-human story.

Hi MistressA.... I mean, Ana. What’s your book about?

Seoul Spankings is about an Iowa farmgirl who overcomes heartbreak about her cheating boyfriend and finds new life and love in South Korea.

Where did you get the idea for this book?

I wrote Desire in Any Language several years ago about a girl who studies abroad in Korea, and the response was overwhelming. When I received the invitation to write for the 1Night Stand series, I wanted to return to Korea and pair a Korean woman with a naïve girl from Iowa.

What traits and other tidbits do you share with your main character?

Indigo is not much like me because I love to travel the world, learn new languages, and try new cuisines. However, I share her trusting nature and desire for everyone to get along. Plus, I think spanking is sexy and terrific.

Did any of your inspiration for this book originate in your real life experiences?

I spent some time in South Korea and fell in love with the country and people there. Writing books that take place there reminds me of some of the happiest years of my life. I am jealous of Indi’s good fortune and wish I could find a Hyunkyung of my own!

Does your book take place in a specific region that would make people take an interest?

South Korea is a vibrant, thriving country with five thousand years of history and culture. It boasts some of the most generous hospitality in the world, and its food offers rich delights including its famous kimchi (spicy fermented cabbage).

Could an American girl survive and thrive in South Korea?

It depends on the girl. Indi makes a terrible first impression by dressing inappropriately, expecting everyone to speak English, and assuming that US standards are universal. However, Hyunkyung is more than happy to teach her otherwise—often with a good spanking!

Could two women have a public relationship in Korea?

It’s a good question, but should we give homophobia more credence than it deserves? I dream of a world in which women’s love for each other is accepted as natural and beautiful. By writing a story in which sexuality is incidental and instead we focus on the growing love between the two main characters, I hope I can help make this dream come true. Won’t you join me?

Do you have other project in the works? If so, what are they?

I have more projects than time to finish them! I recently finished a short story, “Anchored,” that tells of a sixty-one-year-old retired librarian who moves to Florida and falls in love with the president of her homeowners’ association. It’s one of the first stories to show lesbian love at an older age, and beta readers have been thrilled to see themselves represented in romance.

I’m also working on sequels to Taliasman, Mistress on Her Knees, and a special project for Pride in June. Also, I have most of the sequel to Seoul Spankings planned out. There will be a few other projects for the summer and fall, including my first half-fairy, half-human story.

Seoul Spankings

by Anastasia Vitsky

Broken-hearted when her live-in boyfriend impregnates her best frenemy, Indigo Adams accepts a one-way ticket to Seoul, South Korea, and a challenge from her Great-Aunt Matilda: Forget that boy. Go and make something of yourself.

Bruised from an international public relations nightmare as the new heir to the multi-billion-dollar Han Incorporated, Hyunkyung Han seeks positive publicity in the form of a wedding. She consults with Madame Eve to find a nice, well-behaved Korean American with bilingual and bicultural skills.

Instead, Madame Eve sends Indi, a naïve philosophy major graduate working for minimum wage at the local pub. Enraged to find Indi can’t speak one word of Korean, Hyunkyung orders her sent home on the next plane to Spillville, Iowa.

Then Hyunkyung shakes Indi’s hand, and the sparks fly. With all of her professional responsibilities, how can Hyunkyung allow herself to fall for the wrong woman? How can Indi feel attraction for a woman who despises her?

Seoul Spankings offers a light-hearted romp through the perils and joys of navigating an intercultural romance. Certain to delight all fans of a happily ever after with a kinky twist

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“Say my name,” she demanded, startling me with her fierceness. Korean For Foreigners had told me saying someone’s name was rude.

“Hee-yon,” I stammered, unable to form the alien syllables. “Huh—huh-yawn.”

She pursed her lips, circling my chair. “Indi Go,” she enunciated, in the odd, separated manner seeming to order me from her presence. “Here I am not Ee Sajahng. I am Hyunkyung Han, and you will call me by name.”

“Ee,” I faltered. Some of her employees had said something familiar. “Ee?” I grasped onto the only sound I could replicate.

“Ee Sajahng,” she repeated. “Founder. Investor. A title, not a name. Call me Hyunkyung.” This time as she walked around me, her knee brushed against mine. A tiny gymnast vaulted somewhere underneath my ribs, and I spoke without thinking.

“Can’t I say HK?” After all, her staff called me Miss Go. Why insult her by butchering the sounds I couldn’t form?

She paused behind me, delaying long enough to highlight the ludicrous nature of my request. Yo, Barack ol’ buddy. I can call you BO, right?

“Sorry,” I mumbled.

“Americans are so familiar,” she said, in an undertone.

“Koreans are so formal!” I protested.

“Yes,” she answered, tapping one manicured finger against another. “Let’s show you how formal.”

About Anastasia Vitsky

Cookie queen, wooden spoon lady, and champion of carbs, Anastasia Vitsky specializes in F/F fiction. She hates shoes and is allergic to leather. When not writing about women who live spankily ever after, she coordinates reader and author events. She has recently confessed to enjoying her new hairbrush in addition to the beloved spoons. She can be found at governingana.wordpress.com and on twitter @AnastasiaVitsky.

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