#FallinLove with #FairyTales #Giveaway Hop - Princesses to the Rescue! - Discover #Romance, and Win a #Kindle from @DecadentPub
/Hi lovely readers, and welcome to the Fall in Love with Fairytales blog tour!
If you are a fan of smoking hot happily ever afters, here's a chance to win some awesome bookworm goodies. The holy grail is a Kindle, but we also have gift certificates and author swag. Visit each day’s post(s) and follow the Rafflecopter instructions to earn prize entries. For a more detailed version of this intro, swing over to our main hop page.
Princesses to the Rescue
Frequenters of my blog are already aware I'm a hardcore fairytale fan. Ever since I was little, I've dreamt of witches and wily frogs, spun new endings for tales I didn't like, and came up with side stories detailed enough to qualify as fanfiction.
One thing always rankled, however. Why the heck were princes always rescuing princesses?
You see, as much as a girl would like to be swept off her feet every now and again, we all realize at a pretty young age that matters of any importance should not be left in the hands of boys. They have a tendency to trip over their feet, forget the important details, and, more times than not, their bumbling attempts to solve problems make things even worse.
As I've aged (no, I'm not going to reveal how old I am), my faith in the male gender has yet to improve. After all, I've sent my significant other many a time to buy a gallon of milk, only to have him return with everything but a gallon of milk. So if my Princess has to wait on top of her tower until a charming yet altogether clueless knight rides by, chances are she'll wait for a very long time. Heck, considering most men's reluctance to ask for directions, he may never get there.
So when I was tasked to write my own adult fairytale, I was forced to face reality. I can't, in good conscience, ask my heroine to twiddle her thumbs until my bumbling hero decides to rescue her. In Operation Owl, I twisted the formula, and sic'd my geeky math nerd against a slew of NSA sleuths and gun-wielding contractors. She gets to rescue her prince (aka, computer-geek-in-distress), and she makes sure they jet off toward a happily ever after.
Of course, darling Zack has his uses. You can find out all about them in the 99¢ Red Book of Grown-Up Fairytales. If I hadn't already grabbed most of these stories individually, I would take advantage of this deal myself!
Only 99¢!
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Only 99¢!
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Our Happily Ever After continues!
Follow along for posts from the authors behind the Beyond Fairytales series. We have spaceships, cowboys, owls, princesses, princes, and geese. If you like M/F, M/M, F/F, or ménage, you’ll find at least one of each. Each one is unique and indescribably naughty.
If you’ve gobbled up all of the collections already, be sure to check out the Beyond Fairytales blog for new releases and additional books.
Tomorrow, please look for a post from author Stephanie Beck!