Author Interview – Libby Waterford ( @LibbyWaterford ) – Passionate History ( A #DecadentPub #Romance )

It seems an age ago that I first interviewed my fellow Decadent Publishing author Libby Waterford about her book Love Unlocked (this is a prime example of “author time” since said post is dated January 27). Less than a year has passed, and she’s back to promote her new release, Passionate History. It features a strait-laced art history professor, a returning college graduate, and a tumultuous reunion.

Let’s find out more about it

1. Hi Libby, and welcome back to my blog. It’s looks like you’ve been busy writing over the past eight months. Can you tell us how the idea for this story first came to you?

Thanks for having me back, Tara! I first got the inspiration to set a story at a college reunion weekend what I got the notice that mine was around the corner. All sorts of possibilities filtered through my brain. This is the first of three novellas that I wrote around the theme.

2. How cool. I can't wait for you to get done with them! Back to Passionate History— I understand why the good professor might have been reluctant to get together with your heroine while she was his student. What’s holding him back the second time they meet?

When Aidan and Bree meet five years after their one and only night together, Aidan is suspicious of the fact that he hasn’t heard from Bree in all that time. He worries that he took advantage of her and he won’t let himself do it again. The fact they have as much chemistry now as they ever did makes it difficult to keep his hands off her.

3. What factors did you concoct to push these two less-than-eager lovers together? Both of them do seem rather resistant to the idea.

Neither of them are looking to rekindle the past, but events (rainstorms, missing automobiles) conspire to keep them together, forcing them to reexamine what happened all those years ago, and confront the truth that they want each other more than ever.

4. Missing automobiles ... this gets more intriguing by the minute. Now I’m really curious about the chemistry between the two. Would you mind giving us a sneak peek from when sparks first fly?

Sure…here’s a brief excerpt from their first kiss. I warn you, it’s pretty fiery.

In that case, let me play it safe.

Mature Content Warning: If you're underthe age of consent in your country (or if reading about a kiss offends you), kindly skip to Question 5. The excerpt's beginning and end are marked by lines. 

He stood motionless, six inches away from her, as she accepted the glass and took a tiny swallow. He met her gaze, searching her emerald green eyes for some clue of how she felt, of what she wanted. She didn’t seem afraid or confused or needy. She seemed in control, happy almost. If he’d seen anything else in her eyes, he told himself he’d show her the door that very minute. But her eyes were clear and bright, and she was so incredibly beautiful. She handed him back the glass. He dropped it heedlessly on the worn sisal carpet, smelling the last sip as its aroma pervaded the air. After a moment, there was nothing more between them as he wrapped his arms around her waist and crushed her to him. He kissed her with a feverish intensity, one still-rational part of his brain hoping she’d shove him away so he’d be saved from this madness, the rest of him intent upon wringing every moment of pleasure from this unexpected encounter. She didn’t shove him away. She kissed him back, opening her mouth to him like the sweetest of gifts. He’d take what she offered, and to hell with regret.

5. Before I let you go—what project(s) are you working on right now? Is it another contemporary romance?

I’m working on edits for the next two novellas in this reunion/commencement series, and then I’ve got another contemporary series on the (distant) horizon. I hope I can check back in with you with another new release soon. Thanks so much for having me, Tara!

Since book release month is crazy busy for any writer, I’ll let Libby run off. For more information about the book and author, just scroll down. As always, comments are much appreciated.

Passionate History

by Libby Waterford

On the eve of her college graduation, Bree Ross seduces her favorite art history professor. She doesn’t expect buttoned-up Professor Worthy to give her the best sex of her life, or anticipate that leaving him to start her post-college life would be so difficult. Their unforgettable encounter haunts her, and five years later, she finds herself back on campus for her college reunion—with a specific goal in mind. How hard could it be to convince her ex-professor to write her a letter of recommendation for graduate school?

Straight-laced Professor Aidan Worthy has adhered to his carefully-aligned morals his entire teaching career…until Bree Ross walks into his classroom. Guilt plagues him for his one transgression because that one amazing night has been seared onto his brain. When she waltzes back into his life after five years of silence, he’s not thrilled. But he can’t deny the illicit spark they once shared has not disappeared, and he worries he won’t be able to resist temptation a second time.

Over the course of the tumultuous reunion and commencement weekend at Weston University, rain, relatives, and rental cars force the two to confront their sizzling desire and burgeoning feelings. Is their passionate history enough to keep them together, or will it drive them apart?

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About Libby Waterford

Libby Waterford writes steamy contemporary romances. She lives in Los Angeles with her family and works off her weekly pilgrimage to In-N-Out by swimming and climbing the city’s hidden staircases.

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