#WriteTip - Keep a Notebook Handy by K. T. Black (@KTBlack_author), spotlighting her #Sexy #LSBooks #PNR

My Liquid Silver Books pub-buddy K.T. Black had a paranormal romance come out recently. Before getting some alone time with her hunky hero Dylan Holt, I asked her to impart a writing tip. I actually haven't managed to pull this one off with any degree of consistency, but I'm working on it!  

Keep a notebook handy. I always carry a notebook with me and keep one beside my bed. Don't risk losing an idea forever. Get it down on paper.  

The Assistant

by K.T. Black

Elise Bennette doesn’t do relationships … even though her sexy-as-hell new assistant has her consumed by erotic daydreams. But things aren’t what they appear to be, and her dream life and real life are beginning to blur. Will her fantasies eventually become real or will a secret shatter the illusion?

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Interview with Dylan Holt,
from The Assistant

Hello. My writer wanted me to take a few minutes to tell you a little bit about myself, and perhaps even entice you with her new story.

My name is Dylan Holt. I come from a long line of succubus/incubi, and history hasn't always painted my kind in the best light, nor has it gotten things completely accurate. I'm not a "Demon", but I'm not exactly human either, even though I do resemble one. An extremely attractive one. <Shrugs and grins smugly>. I know that makes me sound egotistical, but it's part of how I'm able to draw humans to me.

So, I'm guessing you're wondering if part of what you've heard about a succubus/incubi is true. Do I enter into dreams and tempt humans with erotic suggestions? Absolutely! It is my nature after all. The sexier the dreams, the more potent the energy for me to feed from.

Now don't look at me like that. Before you go judging me, I must point out that this isn't entirely one-sided. I don't completely drain the life force of anyone I'm involved with. I do take what I require, but I also give them something in return. The inspiration to pursue the thing they desire most.

I also have the ability to enhance dreams, make them seem real. It helps to motivate the human I'm pursuing to keep them dreaming. If things progress to an intimate relationship, even better.

As far as me in general, I'm a bit of a wanderer, able to adapt to any situation. A true "Jack of All Trades". I'm a whiz with modern technology, which comes in handy. I've had to reinvent myself more times than I care to count. And, for a long time I thought I was happy moving from town to town, person to person. Then I encountered Elise Bennette. That's when everything changed. She made me want to set down roots and get lost in her dreams.

About K.T. Black

K.T. Black often mixes genres when creating her romance stories. Whether her (F/F or F/M) stories are filled with witches or regular people, they frequently include mystery/suspense, sci-fi, fantasy or paranormal elements. She never limits the direction her imagination takes her when telling a good story.

When she's not writing, she enjoys spending time with family and friends, going to movies, cooking, traveling, playing video games, and meeting interesting/eccentric people--many of whom help color the worlds she creates while writing. She lives in the Pacific Northwest with her family and three very spoiled cats.

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