Science Fiction and Fantasy Saturday No. 37 - Rescued from a Trunked Manuscript

Here's the next snippet from my nameless trunked manuscript. I'll keep sharing it for quite a while since my sci-fi (post-apocalyptic) romance isn't scheduled to come out until late February.  For all past SFFSAT posts, click here. In the previous snippet, we witnessed Hades express some specie-ism with respect to a prospective employee. 

Nell made a show of glancing down at her slim platinum wristwatch. “You don’t have a choice—we have an infestation problem. The Order of Acolytes’ raison d’être is to kill undead, and their leadership is a veritable snakes’ den. And yet, that fragile human survived their employ for close to a decade.”

Forced to concede her point, he searched for another way out. “It says in her file this woman was fired.”

His sister gave him a disgusted look. “You know as well as anyone the Order’s idea of termination involves homicide. I don’t know how the girl did it, but she managed to get enough leverage to make them leave her alone. That feat, at the very least, should earn her an interview.”

Twitter: #sffsat

Twitter: #sffsat

SFFSat is a group of writers sharing snippets from both published and unpublished works of science fiction and fantasy. You can read more about the group by clicking the banner to the left, as well as follow links to the other participants. Any comments are much appreciated!

Science Fiction and Fantasy Saturday No. 36 - Rescued from a Trunked Manuscript

I apologize for being a bit scarce lately. For very good reason (namely his sanity), DH requested I go on a short hiatus from all writing-related stuff. I'm now easing back into the flow of things. Here's the next snippet from my nameless trunked manuscript. I'll keep sharing it for quite a while since my sci-fi (post-apocalyptic) romance isn't scheduled to come out until late February. 

For all past SFFSAT posts, click here. In the previous snippet, we witnessed a spat between Hades and Nell, which resulted in minor damage to Hades' wardrobe. The siblings are arguing about a potential employee who is waiting in the lobby. (Note: The cue word for this week is RAIN.)

“She’s too…human.”

Nell pointed her lacquered fingertip at the ceiling. “I’m sorry, but is it raining vampire detection experts of the immortal variety?” Her lips firmed into a straight line. “I didn’t think so. Now bring Cora Springfield in here and offer her the damn job.”

Hades slapped his palm on the desk. “She’s not going to survive the week. I need her to help me hunt, not arrange meetings.”

Twitter: #sffsat
Twitter: #sffsat

SFFSat is a group of writers sharing snippets from both published and unpublished works of science fiction and fantasy. You can read more about the group by clicking the banner to the left, as well as follow links to the other participants. Any comments are much appreciated!

Science Fiction and Fantasy Saturday No. 35 (#sffsat) - Rescued from a Trunked Manuscript - #Scifi #Romance

Here's the next snippet from my nameless trunked manuscript. My first attempt at a full-length novel, it was written when vampires were still in vogue (though these vampires have pseudo-scientific origins). The prospect of revising the whole thing is too daunting, but let's see if I can salvage it one tiny bit at a time. (Disclaimer: My writing has significantly improved over the years.) For last week's post (as well as all the ones from Warlock's Pawn and Tower in the Woods), click here. In the previous snippet, we got to witness some sibling rivalry between Hades and Nell , who we now know is almost a century old. (Note: The cue word for this week is NAILS.)

Her nails elongated to resemble claws. She stabbed her forefinger into his chest. If he were human, there would be a gaping hole between his ribs. Because of his age, she failed to draw blood. His Armani shirt, however, needed replacement. He decided to deduct the cost from her paycheck.

He stared his sister down. After taking an uneasy step back, she pouted. “I just found you the perfect assistant. Why am I getting the third degree instead of a pat on the back?”

Twitter: #sffsat
Twitter: #sffsat

SFFSat is a group of writers sharing snippets from both published and unpublished works of science fiction and fantasy. You can read more about the group by clicking the banner to the left, as well as follow links to the other participants. Any comments are much appreciated!