Science Fiction and Fantasy Saturday No. 25 (#sffsat) - Warlock's Pawn - #FantasyRomance

This snippet is from Warlock's Pawn and continues from the last one (click on the SFFSat tag at the bottom of the post to read past snippets). Warlock's Pawn is a fantasy romance inspired by The Arabian Nights. It is available on  LSBooksAmazonBarnes & NobleARe, Kobo, and a few other places. In the previous post, we learn a bit more about Duncan's motivations.

Surprising him, Alia lifted her hand in an unmistakable gesture. “You need power to return to your lands,” she observed as their gazes met. “Take what your body demands.”

“You will be weakened beyond awareness,” he warned even as he crouched by her side. His newfound conscience and practicality warred as Duncan scrutinized her small form. She was half his weight, and standing, her head would not reach the center of his chest. She was young, her power untrained, and she was too weak to make such an offer.

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SFFSat is a group of writers sharing snippets from both published and unpublished works of science fiction and fantasy. You can read more about the group by clicking the banner to the left, as well as follow links to the other participants. Any comments are much appreciated!